Thursday, September 18, 2008

Electro Magnetic Radiation

Do u often have unexplainable headaches? Do u suffer from insomnia or sleep disorders?
Do u feel fatigued & have little energy at the end of the day. Are u often chronically ill or prone to diseases & depression/Or do u suffer from allergies/AND most importantly---
Do u use computer, mobile or other ELECTRO MAGNETIC RADIATION producing equipments, and despite the attendance with the physician, the symptoms return or become even stronger.
With the technological development of our civilization humans are today exposed to electrical & magnetic fields & Radiations.It’s an accepted scientific fact that the Electromagnetic Radiation
of computers,microwaves, mobiles etc is harmful to human health is a serious manner.
All Computer Related Injuries, like fatigue, sleeping & postural disorders etc can be protected very easily
by relying on the Ancient wisdom who sucessfully used COLOURS, SOUND,& VIBRATIONS in such a mix that it relieved the user of PAINS, STRESS, FATIGUE & DEPRESSIVE STATE OF MIND.

Recent Swedish epidemiological studies confirm that after 2000 hours of cellular phone exposure or a latency period of about 10 years, brain cancer risks rises by 240 percent
Human DNA hears the different emr frequencies loud & Clear, reacting like a human ear would do to high volume country music. Irradiated cells struggle to protect themselves against this destructive dissonance by hardening their membranes. They cease to receive nourishment, stop releasing toxins, die prematurely & spill micronuclei fragments into a sort of “tunor bank account. A 4 year study conducted by the EU by 12 research groups in 7 European countries found that radiation from cell phones harm body cell & damage DNA

The answers to these queries is [Linda Goodman’s] Purple Positive Energy Plates. The brain behind these plates was Nikola Tesla, the famous American scientist who is also associated with Cosmic Rays, Radar, Cryogenic engineering & AC current. In 1943 the American Supreme Court ruled out the earlier findings in the name of Marconi & ruled out in Nikola Tesla favour.
The plates were ultimately developed by his scientist friend Ralph Bergstresser.
The atoms & electrons of the aluminium have been alterd by man made procedures so that the plates are in resonance, or in tune with or in tandem with the basic Life Force Energy, which we call Pran in India.They functions as transreceivers, creating a field of Positive Energy around them that will penetrate any material substance by osmosis.